You just left a friendly gathering where you had a great time. The food was delicious. The company was sublime. Heck, everyone even laughed at your jokes.
On the way home, however, your brain star...
Here on the eve of Hurricane Milton, I asked my guides how I could best help others prep for the impending storm. Since most of my Florida neighbors had already installed their hurricane shutters (and...
Winston Churchill said best, keeping it short, sweet and to the point:
“If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
Bingo. If you stop in the middle of hell, you’ll be stuck in hell forever. ...
You asked. I delivered. And that delivery comes in the form of the third edition of Bony Yoga.
Originally published in 2005 and again in 2014, this all-time favorite yoga guide is a favorite...
We all have many things that make our hearts sing – but we often get so wrapped up in the daily grind that we forget about them.
Only to find days, months, decades have gone by.
And our hearts haven...
One of my catchphrases is that guilt is a useless emotion. But that's not always true. If guilt from doing something horrible teaches you not to do that horrible thing again, then we can say guilt has...
I started crying twice today, and both times people told me to stop it. Well, one actually kind of laughed at me for crying. And the other said something like, "This isn't something to cry about."Â
Once I learned the only way to deal with grief was to move through it, I found ways to let the healing begin.
As an author and poet who has always used writing as a way to release and process emotion...
A grief recovery healing altar is a sacred space that holds special objects that bring healing to your body, mind and soul. Â
So it’s a shrine, right?
Umm, no. A shrine typically holds relics or mem...
“The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day." -Henry Ward BeecherÂ
Creating a morning ritual to adjust that rudder can propel you into delightful day every day. For the record, a ritu...
You'll notice my grief recovery coaching and mastermind options come with Reiki. Your response might be twofold.Â
You might first say something like: "Yaay!"Â
Followed by: 'What's Reiki?'
Reiki is ...