Prep for a Hurricane – Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually [Reiki Meditation Session]

emotional rescue Oct 08, 2024

Here on the eve of Hurricane Milton, I asked my guides how I could best help others prep for the impending storm. Since most of my Florida neighbors had already installed their hurricane shutters (and I’m not a big fan of socket wrenches), the answer was a Reiki meditation session to help eliminate panic, gloom-doom and fear.

And boy, do I know all about panic, gloom-doom and fear. It was churning inside me before, during and after the eye of Hurricane Ian ripped through our Cape Coral backyard in 2022. It wasn’t pleasant. I wouldn’t recommend it. Most of all, it’s not a state any of us need to create or endure.

Notice I said a state we need to CREATE. Yes, like all emotional upheaval, we are largely doing it to ourselves. Or rather, the “little me” is doing it.

The little me is the pesky, fear-driven, egomaniac that looks to the outside world for everything – especially the gloom and doom that keeps it going.

On the flipside is the “Big Me,” the all-powerful, Spirit-infused, Divine being who knows all power resides in the inside, as does the remembrance of who we are:

We are Wild Souls, Master Beings of Love and Light – who can get through any dang thing life throws our way – with the power of Spirit on our side. 

The “Big Me” is an incarnation of Spirit itself, and each of us has this brilliant, beautiful force dancing inside of us, just begging us to set it free.

The hurricane – and life – are going to blow as they will whether we try to deny, resist, control or run around hoarding toilet paper or not. So why let the little me keep dumping the fear, panic and catastrophizing all over the place?

As one coworker noted:

“Good thoughts are not going to stop the flooding.”

“Agreed,” said I. “But neither are bad ones. We get to choose what we think.”

We also get to choose who’s in charge. So let’s give the reins to the Big Me, yes?

But How to Make the Little Me Shut Up?

The key to getting that little me out of the way is not fighting it. That just makes it stronger and even more vehement about digging in its heels. 

The key is to bring the little me with all its woes to the surface – and surrender, surrender, surrender. Surrender it all to the Big Me, the Wild Soul, the Divine Being above and inside us all that can deliver immediate relief and inner peace.

And that’s what this free Reiki Meditation Session is all about.



NOTE: You don’t need a hurricane to benefit from this Reiki guided meditation session. Use it as frequently as you desire to cleanse, purify, surrender all panic, catastrophizing and fear – and let it love, light, harmony and peace.

ANOTHER NOTE: For additional tips on getting through any dang thing life throws our way, check out my book "How to Get Through Hell on Earth without Drinking a Keg or Kicking a Garden Gnome."


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