Healing Library
Learn, heal and ascend at your own pace with the video, audio and download collection in the Wild Souls healing library.
New courses launched regularly.
Wild Souls members get free access to Healing Library content. Non-members may purchase courses and options individually as they become available.
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Healing workshops, classes and lectures led by High Priestess of the Spiritual Joyride Ryn Gargulinski [Rynski]

Magic of the Moon: Moon Phase Manifestation, Planning + Reiki Meditation
Learn how to live by the rhythm and magic of the moon, manifesting greatness while achieving your goals using moon energy as your guide. Then relax into the MOON MAGIC Reiki meditation included in the package. | Video workshop, Reiki meditation recording to experience whenever and as often as you wish. xoRyn.

Healing from Grief - Video Masterclass
Understand what grief means for your body, mind and soul AND get three healing tips to use immediately. I created this masterclass when I had been focusing on grief recovery coaching.

Life Force Energy Reactivation - Video Masterclass
Learn how to clear out the old to make room for the new with this Life Force Energy Reactivation Masterclass.
Reiki Meditation Library
Embark on a healing journey that helps you enter a high-vibrational state of love and light. Recorded by Reiki Master Ryn Gargulinski, these guided meditations are infused with Reiki and geared up to help you purge, heal and soar. Comes with healing map.
Get Access Now

How to Get Through Hell on Earth without Drinking a Keg or Kicking a Garden Gnome
"Wonderful, honest, heartbreaking, intelligent and hilarious! Rynski's life story made me cry, laugh out loud and truly think about how to be a better person and get the most out of life."
Each podcast episode is a chapter from Ryn Gargulinski's best-selling book: "How to Get Through Hell on Earth without Drinking a Keg or Kicking a Garden Gnome." Book available on Amazon. Podcast right here!

Healing from Grief Guide - Download [FREE]
Start your healing journey with the grief recovery suggestions and information inside my free Healing from Grief Guide (from the days I focused my coaching on Grief Recovery).

High-Vibe Living Kit - Download [FREE]
The High Vibe Living Kit helps you move through low-vibe sludge and into higher vibrational frequencies.

Money Affirmations - Download
Set of four money affirmations to keep your focus on the wealth already inside and all around you. Original Rynski illustrations. Hi-res, frame-ready printable artwork.

I AM Affirmations - Download
Set of four I AM affirmations to keep your focus on the big I AM inside you. Original Rynski illustrations. Hi-res, frame-ready printable artwork.

Chakra Chart - Download [FREE]
Keep your chakras energized and brilliant with help from this Rynski Chakra Chart.
Meet Your Fellow Wild Soul Guide
Ryn Gargulinski [Rynski] has been helping others heal and grow for the past two decades, ever since she entered recovery from alcohol in 1999. As an author, artist, Reiki master, motivational speaker and avid animal lover, she facilitates healing through her speaking engagements, healing sessions, artwork, animal medicine and her more than 10 inspirational books. She knows all too well what it's like to be trapped in hell on earth, which is why she is so passionate about helping other Wild Souls transcend the third-dimensional illusion to set themselves free.

What People Say About Their Experiences with Rynski

“I’ve had Reiki many times before, but none have been as much powerful or fun as Reiki with Rynski.”

“The night after our cord-cutting Reiki with St. Michael, I had a dream about a giant strong man who was leading and watching over me. When I described him to a spiritually minded friend without telling her about our session, she immediately said ‘that was Archangel Michael.’”

“Near the end of the session, right after you said I was empowered by the loving light of the universe, I heard a voice whisper in my ear: ‘Remember who you are!’ The voice was warm and comforting. A Reiki angel!”

“Ryn is a spiritual powerhouse. High Priestess of the Spiritual Joyride is the perfect description for her engaging and spunky style."

"Ryn has a very distinctive style which I just love. Her book of Affirmations is perfect for starting your day, or just picking up and opening anywhere for a dose of "Affirmation" to brighten your day. I recommend this book and any of Ryn's other books. She has such a great outlook on life and her illustrations and writings have always made me smile. Happy reading 📚.